Sunday, March 4, 2012

Barbara Muehlebach Paradise

With the heaviest of hearts, and tears in my eyes, I write of the passing of my beautiful mother, Barbara Muehlebach Paradise. All of us hold our mothers in the highest of esteem, so it would be pedantic to argue mine vs. yours, but with absoluteness, Barbara was on the highest level of motherhood and wifeliness that one could attain; certainly on every par with you and yours.

Barbara was born in St. Louis, MO in 1920, the second child, and first and only daughter of William and Willa Muehlebach and a loving sister to her four brothers William Jr., Lawrence, Charles and George. Barbara doted on her brothers like her loving mother, and carried that ability to love to her spouse, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all whom she knew and befriended throughout her 92 years; the list is beyond the scope of the written word.

My Mother did not know hatred, contempt or ill-will. Sarcasm was not only above her, it was beyond her. Barbara had a sense of humor that was neatly countered by her ability to suffer the fools that her husband Alfred and his progeny would lampoon; she the better than all of us, earning her a fast track to eternal glory, whilst the rest of us hope, wait and pray for a pass from the Almighty. Thank God that she’s there to help smooth the way for us.

My mother lived a long life, essentially dying healthy of body; sadly her mind didn’t keep up with the heart and the lungs. It was intensely painful for all of us who loved her to watch the degeneration of that beautiful mind, while her strong body and stout will proffered on, hanging and fighting for the opportunity to remain vital.

Peace my dear Mother. Your fight is over. You won. I can only hope that I inherit but a smattering of your strength, your resoluteness and your righteousness.

I will miss you and your loving touch the rest of my days. I pray that I will be worthy of seeing you again.

Your loving son,

Richard William

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